Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, is also the founder of another organization in 2004, called Young Global Leaders , which selects and trains globalist puppets to be promoted to positions of influence. This largely explains the current wave of medical authoritarianism sweeping the globe. There is nothing coincidental about it. Governments, media, and corporations are all controlled behind the scenes by the same people who want us to "Own Nothing and Be Happy" while subsisting on a diet of mealworms and GMO crops.
It has become a cliché to say that world leaders are appointed, not selected. However, it appears that not only are they appointed, but in fact trained well in advance for their future roles.
Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, is also the founder of another organization in 2004, called Young Global Leaders , which selects and trains globalist puppets to be promoted to positions of influence.
This largely explains the current wave of medical authoritarianism sweeping the globe. There is nothing coincidental about it. Governments, media, and corporations are all controlled behind the scenes by the same people who want us to "own nothing and be happy" while subsisting on a diet of mealworms and GMO crops.
You will be surprised at the names of those who have completed this program. A few of the names are: Bill Gates, Governor Gavin Newsome, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Justin Trudeau, of Canada, President Macron of France, Angela Merkle of Germany, Tony Blair of England, Jacinda Ardern of Australia, Richard Branson of Uk, Pete Buttigieg, Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard, Representative Dan Crenshaw, Elon Musk, and Senator Tom Cotton.
Almost all of these people are in world leadership positions today, carrying out the plans of Klaus Schwab, and the World Economic Forum. All who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.
If you are not familiar with the “Great Reset” you should do some research and find out everything you can about what is in store for you in the coming years. Yes…It is all really happening on purpose…According to Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY”. And he really means it. Although I really must doubt the “You Will Be Happy” part. Their plan is to confiscate all wealth, property, and personal assets, which will then be transferred to the elites of the world. We will all be equal for certain, equally poor that is, while the overlords will be richer than ever. Your vaccine information and health records may be transferred to the document they are calling the Vaccine Passport, and when that happens, they will soon add your bank accounts, and have digital control of your money. They will tell you where, when, and if you are allowed to spend your money, and when and if you are allowed health care. Seizure of bank accounts, occurred in Ottawa Canada, during during the Trucker protest, which was used as the perfect excuse to seize and or close bank accounts, and further their plans for the Great Reset.