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By Earl Heal Published February 27,2023

Earl Heal: The Right Stuff The socioeconomic stature of Americas Blacks and America’s history of its Black race residents from 1861-2023 has been published in the preceding columns: Feb. 9, 16, 23.

• Part 1. The Democrat Party supported the secessionist states and continuation of slavery until they lost the war. President Abraham Lincoln and Republican abolitionists’ objectives were to restore the Union “without malice” and terminate slavery. Lincoln’s Reconstruction was resisted after his assassination and the Compromise of 1877, which prevented further northern enforcement.

• Part 2. Although slavery became illegal, Black suppression prevailed through restrictions of the Compromise of 1877, segregated society, voting laws that prevented election of any Black representatives.

• Part 3. Unrestricted discrimination continued until the 1953 Supreme Court decision outlawed segregated education. Anti-discrimination laws were passed after 1964 with objectives of fighting poverty and racial discrimination. After 58 years, the poverty rate is unimproved, crime has risen nationwide, the close-knit Black family is broken and the national debt has increased to $30 trillion, equalling the War on Poverty investment.

• Part 4 compares what should have occurred. Democratic Party actions and those of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to bring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to America’s Black population are in stark contrast.[...Read More]

By Earl Heal Published February 13, 2023

Earl Heal: The Right Stuff Previous columns identified continuous overt Democratic Party support for maintaining slavery until Civil War defeat. After Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender April 9, 1865, other Confederate forces surrendered April 9, 21 and 26 April; May 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 and 26; and June 23. All Confederate states met surrender criteria for rejoining the Union by July 1868, including revising their respective state constitutions.

Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era after the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states of the Confederacy and 4 million newly freed people into the United States.

During late afternoon of May 1, 1866, long broiling tensions between the residents of southern Memphis, Tennessee, erupted into a three-day riot known as the Memphis Riot of 1866 after a white police officer attempted to arrest a Black ex-soldier. The victims initially were only Black soldiers, but the violence quickly spread to other Blacks living just south of Memphis who were attacked while their homes, schools and churches were destroyed. White Northerners who worked as missionaries and school teachers in Black schools were also targeted.[...Read More}

By Earl Heal published Feburary 6, 2023

After seven slave states seceded from the Union on Feb. 2, 1861 (followed later by four more), they commenced seizing federal properties. Secessionist-minded states fired on federal forces of Fort Sumter, South Carolina and captured it on April 14, the official beginning of the Civil War.

The Democratic Party supported the secessionist states.

President Abraham Lincoln’s and abolitionists’ objectives were to restore the Union and terminate slavery. The Democratic Party’s 1864 election platform denied that the secession of states was insurrection, argued for restoration of the secessionist states without freeing slaves, condemned use of military force to combat secessionist military force and argued the war was calculated to prevent a restoration of the Union and prevent the perpetuation of a government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed. President Lincoln, with his primary concern being Union restoration, introduced his plan for the post-war era in 1863. His “Ten-Percent Plan” specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10% of its voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Union. Voters could then elect delegates to draft revised state constitutions and establish new state governments; Southerners would retain their private property, though not their slaves; and all Southerners except for high-ranking Confederate officers and officials would be granted a full pardon. Specified officials would be banned from serving in any government that was established, at least during the Reconstruction period.[..Read More]

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